东北大学医工学院与公司建立校企合作以来,公司积极推进实践教学基地的规划和建设,在双方的共同努力下,2023年6月30日,东北大学正式授予沈阳新松医疗科技股份有限公司 “东北大学实践教学基地”牌匾,并在我公司举行了隆重的签约仪式,标志着公司与东北大学迈出了校企合作重要坚实的一步。
For a long time, XSM has been actively exploring and practicing the innovative mode of talent development, especially in promoting the innovative mode of talent cultivation through school-enterprise cooperation and integration of production and education, which has achieved initial results. The company has established professional technology innovation centers and joint laboratories with Northeastern University, China Medical University, Shenyang Medical College and other domestic higher education institutions and research institutes, and, through a variety of cooperation modes such as innovation alliance, international cooperation and so on. Through innovation alliance, international cooperation and other forms of cooperation, the company carries out industrial major and key technology research and integrated application innovation and directed personnel training. As an enterprise committed to promoting scientific and technological innovation and personnel training, we have always been committed to establishing good cooperative relations with universities.